ASU Researchers Sum Up Interim Results of RSF Project

ASU Researchers Sum Up Interim Results of RSF Project

A team of scientists of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University have been carrying out research under the supervision of the Director of the Institute for Southern Russia and Caspian Region Studies, Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies, Doctor of Philosophy Anna Romanova within the framework of a grant provided by the Russian Science Foundation in 2022.

The work will result in a set of models for constructing new identities in the context of the transition from a single collective identity of the Soviet people to a set of new national, religious, cultural identities of the Caspian macroregion countries. Now it is already possible to learn about the results of the first stage of the project. Thus, the researchers managed to build a model for constructing the Kazakh identity, which will be further developed at the next stages of the initiative.

The research data obtained by the project team during the first year of work served as the basis for writing scientific articles that were accepted for publication in high-ranking Russian scientific journals. The results were presented at Russian and international conferences and forums.

In the second year of the project implementation, the scientists will apply the concept of societal security in its instrumental dimension to study the security of the post-Soviet space of the Caspian region using the example of Azerbaijan. Work will also continue to identify the potential for the development of a macroregional identity in the Greater Caspian area in relation to the Black Sea and Mediterranean identities. As a result of work on the project, a model of societal security of the Caspian macroregion will be built and the final monograph will be prepared in 2024.

Directorate of Scientific Policy