Rector of ASU Speaks about Annual Results of University’s Participation in Priority 2030

Rector of ASU Speaks about Annual Results of University’s Participation in Priority 2030

The Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education is holding a meeting of the commission to review the annual reports of the universities participating in the Priority 2030 program. Konstantin Markelov made a report and spoke about the results that the ASU team managed to achieve over a year.

“The main task that we have set ourselves is to form a university as an integration point for all educational, scientific and cultural projects in the Russian part of the Caspian region and a center for expert and analytical analysis in the Caspian macroregion. To implement this model, we’ve been changing the university inside,” the head of the university said.

The strategic projects resulted in the creation of:

  • a Sea Marker maritime autonomous surface robot with unique characteristics and a line of related products – tailored robots;
  • a North-South Traffic web-service to support logisticians with a database of routes and graph-based mathematical models;
  • a pilot model for constructing new national identities in the post-Soviet space, which makes it possible to comprehensively assess the level of security in the region and problem areas that form the negative characteristics of the new identity in relation to Russia.
  • a unique complex technology for the restoration of desert areas, combining well-known methods of phytomelioration and new methods of molecular biology and biotechnology.

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