ASU Rector Speaks about the Development of Entrepreneurship at University

ASU Rector Speaks about the Development of Entrepreneurship at University

Head of the university Konstantin Markelov and Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov represent Astrakhan State University at the All-Russian Forum of Startup Studios.

The event is held as part of the federal project Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship and is aimed at developing the intellectual potential of young people, as well as improving the ecosystem for the mass launch of startups at universities.

The program of the forum includes an open meeting of the Investment Committee of Startup Studios, presentation of the best cases on working with business projects and a round table with economic experts.

Granting an interview at the forum, Rector Konstantin Markelov spoke about the university’s work in the field of business projects.

According to the rector, each year ASU students conduct a survey designed to determine the degree of interest in starting their own business or continuing to participate in the family business. According to surveys, up to 25–30% of students are ready to actively engage in entrepreneurship after graduation or during their studies. These are significant indicators among students in comparison with other universities of Russia.

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