School Leavers from Uzbekistan Learn about Advantages of Studying at Astrakhan State University

School Leavers from Uzbekistan Learn about Advantages of Studying at Astrakhan State University

An online meeting between the staff of the university and potential university entrants from the Republic of Uzbekistan was held within the framework of the career guidance events, organized by the ASU Directorate of International Activities.

Representatives of the university told the students of Uzbekistani schools about the main educational programs and scientific and student projects implemented at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

The participants learnt about the educational and extracurricular activities of the university, the details of admission, living conditions, opportunities offered by the university for various initiatives, and the university’s infrastructure.

At the end of the meeting, the representatives of Uzbekistani general educational institutions asked some questions, expressed their desire to continue cooperation with ASU to train qualified specialists, and discussed the further strengthening of educational relations between the two countries.

It should be noted that currently Astrakhan Tatishchev State University has concluded 15 agreements on cooperation with educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including 27 secondary school of Xonqa district of Khorazm region and the specialized school of Khanka district under the Agency for the Development of the Presidential Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Khorazm region.

To date, 274 students from the Republic of Uzbekistan study at the university in various areas of training.

Directorate of International Activities