ASU Employees Celebrate Men’s and Women’s Days

ASU Employees Celebrate Men’s and Women’s Days

A traditional concert dedicated to the International Women’s Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day took place on the stage of the Center for Creative Industries of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University. Participants of the event enjoyed vocal and choreographic performances, topically related to the famous Soviet films.

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov addressed the employees with his greetings:

“Dear colleagues, I’m glad that our university has many good traditions, and one of them is holding a joint event that brings together both men and women. Now Defender of the Fatherland Day takes on a new meaning and tradition, as each of us works for the good of the state. And you, dear ladies, also make an invaluable contribution to our society. Your holiday, International Women’s Day, marks the arrival of spring. I send my greetings to all the university employees. I wish you happiness, smiles and prosperity!”

The leitmotif of the concert is the relationship between men and women. This is the topic of many movies, scenes from which were presented by the artists of the cultural center. Thanks to the unique decorations, music and costumes, the audience felt a unique atmosphere of celebration.

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