ASU Foreign Students Learn about Russian Traditional Holidays

ASU Foreign Students Learn about Russian Traditional Holidays

An event dedicated to Maslenitsa celebration involved students of the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens within the framework of the Dialogue of Culture and Education project of the UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” of ASU.

Maslenitsa is the most cheerful and noisy folk festival in Russia. When teaching Russian language to foreign citizens, it is very important to acquaint them with the history and culture of the country. Immersion into the cultural environment and national traditions allows to understand the features of any nation’s culture better.

The students of the ASU Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens, who came for studies from the Mongolian People’s Republic, Arab Republic of Egypt, Federal Republic of Somalia, Republic of Yemen and other countries, learned about the folk traditions of ushering Russian winter out and Maslenitsa celebrations in the Krupskaya Regional Scientific Library of Astrakhan.

They took part in quizzes, interactive games, a master class on making the ritual doll of Maslenitsa, and also danced in a round. By Russian tradition, the meeting was concluded with a treat: the students tasted pancakes, a traditional Russian dish. The event aroused lively interest and a desire to learn more about the traditions of the peoples of Russia.

Directorate of International Activities