Educational Acceleration Course Entrepreneurship Boiling Point Finishes at ASU

Educational Acceleration Course Entrepreneurship Boiling Point Finishes at ASU

Students from Astrakhan Tatishchev State University have participated in a one-month course of master classes delivered by successful businesspersons, and acquired new knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship.

Under the federal program University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform ASU has held a one-month course of trainings aimed at developing professional competencies and student business projects.

The speakers comprising businesspersons and marketing professionals helped the students to draft business plans, research new markets and receive financial support.

Acceleration course Entrepreneurship Boiling Point provides a unique opportunity for young and dynamic people to contribute to the country economy development and to create their own unique product. ASU also has 2F Startup Studio designed to train young innovators and to support and promote student business initiatives.