Acquaintance trainings were organised for ASU freshmen

Acquaintance trainings were organised for ASU freshmen

Within the adaptation week for first-year students the events organised by the psychological service of ASU "Equilibrium" started.

Acquaintance trainings were organised for the first-year students of ASU
The first year in university is one of the most difficult. Some students have to adapt not only to a new system of education, but also to a new place of residence. Both anxiety about their grades and concern about financial issues get into the storehouse of worries. But if you see understanding people around you and share your feelings with them, it is much easier to live through the problems.

The main purpose of the introductory training was to introduce the students to each other. The students shared information about themselves, overcame the fear of communicating with an unfamiliar audience, learnt to use the technique of "I-statement", which allows you to competently resolve conflict situations.

In the format of the game students were able to jump, dance, shout - all this contributed to the release of internal tension and the production of the hormone of joy - dopamine. The students learnt to trust each other, tried to communicate without words, and also performed a psychological challenge to develop personal boundaries. The exercises helped to make sure that in fact people often respond to help.

At the end of the training the students complimented each other and left their good wishes on leaves, which they will keep as a memento of the beginning of a new period of their life.

Faculty of Education, Psychology, Physical Education and Sport