ASU students helped to organise an international forum

ASU students helped to organise an international forum

At the forum "International transport corridor “North - South” - a new concept: quick access to premium markets in the East, Asia, Africa and India" the students of the translation department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University had an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice.

ASU students helped to organise the international forum
For many students this was their first experience of professional translation activity. Speeches of delegates and activities of the forum staff were held at the highest level, which served as an excellent example for ASU students.

The work of translators deserves special attention. Students of the translation department watched with interest the work of specialists of the Caspian Higher School of Translation and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. According to the students, they felt inspired and energised, as well as the desire to work and study further.

The time spent at the conference was definitely not wasted: the translation students learnt a lot. These four days sharpened their organisational skills, taught them responsibility, multitasking and stress resistance, as well as how to communicate with foreign guests.

The students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages made a small but important contribution to the event. They are grateful to the organisers of the International Forum "North-South International Transport Corridor - New Concept. Fast access to the premium markets of the East, Asia, Africa and India", as well as the teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages for the opportunity.

Faculty of Foreign Languages