Creative Projects of Astrakhan State University

Creative Projects of Astrakhan State University

Sanan Gamidov, who heads the Students’ Directorate for Socialization Support at ASU, has told us about the forthcoming Festival of Students’ Socialization Projects.

“The list of projects that will be included into the Festival program was formed during the round-table talk “Innovative Technologies of ASU Students’ Socialization”. Now we’re preparing the Theater Festival, the Podium, and the Cybersport Contest.

As for the Theater Festival (it’s supervised by Dr. Irina Kalimullina from the Chair of International Law), students of 17 Departments of our Universities will take part in it. The event will be held on April 21-26; there will be a shadow theater, national theaters, musicals, ands so on. As our folks say, they’re preparing well, although there are some casting problems, because actors change each other too often. Our people are consulted by Alexey Matveev, a stage director from the Astrakhan Drama Theater. He also gives classes at our Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology.

The project “Podium” is supervised by Professor Olga Egorova, Director of the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies. Students are going to present a video about their preparations for the contest, as well as their own show. As we learnt not long ago, they’ll present costumes of the 18th and 19th centuries and models by present-day couturiers.

It was Dr. Denis Zholobov, Dean of the Department of Math & IT, who came up with an idea to arrange a cybersport contest. Now he supervises this project; two computer games will be the battlefield: Counter Strike and Dota 2. It’s interesting to see some girls among its participants, although one might think only men could like it.

All in all, we expect to get interesting outcomes of these projects; we hope they will be as great as last year”.

Interviewed by V.A. Zhilyakova (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy