2014 Admission Campaign: March

2014 Admission Campaign: March

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of Astrakhan State University, has told us about recent changes that took place in March 2014 in the field of admitting new students to universities.

Ë.Â. Òîâàðíè÷åíêî“In late March 2014, we published new information necessary for our future students on the Official Web Portal of ASU.

I’d like you to be aware that the 2014 Admission Rules have undergone several changes. One of them concerns graduates with a secondary and primary professional education: they will be admitted to the University after passing exams that will be arranged by ASU independently, whatever fields of studies they might choose. The Unified State Examination is not obligatory for such future students.

A second change is information of priorities in entrance exams. What is it? When the total sum of scores gained by two different exam takers was the same, it was the person who gained a higher score in the profile discipline who was admitted. Now universities can decide themselves which entrance exam is of top priority. If the total scores are equal, we compare scores in the first-priority entrance exam for this particular specialty. If those scores are equal as well, then we compare the scores of the second-priority exam - if they are also equal, we compare the third-priority exam. If all the criteria are equal, we admit the person who has a legal advantage of being admitted. Then we consider with individual achievements; any University can set rules concerning them independently, and the Admission Commission of ASU has also published its rules for such achievements. Our University will give priority to those who won or got prizes at scientific, brain ring, and sports contests. This concerns all our future students, should they apply for a bachelor or for a master course.

Considering with wishes of the founder of our University (the Ministry of Education & Science of the Russian Federation), ASU has set new minimal scores for four-year bachelor and five-year specialist programs (both on budget-financed and self-paid terms). also provides information about the medical commission, which is now obligatory for future students applying to some particular specialties.

It will soon be possible for our future students to submit their applications electronically. Information about online application will be published on our web portal in the section “Future Student’s Personal Profile” on June 02. This form is being developed now, as some changes have been introduced into the 2014 Order of Admission”.

Interviewed by N.I. Kirillova (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy