Festival of Socialization Projects Starts

Festival of Socialization Projects Starts

On April 21, 2014, the Festival of Socialization Projects “Theater Festival” and “Podium” have officially been opened at Astrakhan State University.

Students of the Department of Geology & Geography, of the Department of Social Communications, and of the Historical Department have given their performances the first day of the Festival. A competent jury has been assessing their plays; Mr. Grigoryan (Chairman of the Astrakhan Regional Office of the Russian Public Organization “Russian Union of Young People”), Dr. Rekesheva (Chief of ASU’s Public Relations Unit), Prof. Khrapov (Chief of the Program “Socialization: CDIO Technologies” at ASU), and Mr. Gamidov (Chief of the Student Directorate for Socialization Support at ASU) have been the jurors.


The program of the Festival also includes several exhibitions. Students of ASU’s Chair of Painting & Drawing has presented about 50 projects that applied such techniques as etching, xylography, linocut, monotypy, etc. They have also presented their illustrations to artistic works by Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, Nikolai Leskov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Nikolai Gogol. An exposition of web pages “” has concerned the development of main and internal pages of web sites of social character. Applying the laws of composition, color psychology, and interactivity, our young designers have arranged a convenient and a distinct structure of information reproduction on a conventional screen. The guests have also been shown an exhibition of the packaging collection “Upakovka”: to create a single and an expressive image of a packaging, the designers have used the main forms of product packaging that are applied at some particular enterprises and that involve their brand style. Staff of our Center of Creative Industries has arranged an exposition of products of decorative and applied arts made of stone, fabric, and clay; as for clay, they recover and process it themselves to turn it into ceramic products.


Performances by our teams from different Departments will last up to the end of this week. The results of the contests shall be announced on May 12; prizes to winners and nominees shall be granted the same day.

Russian original information source: V.A. Zhilyakova (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)

Russian original photo source: D.D. Grinevich (the TV Media Center of ASU ); V.A. Zhilyakova (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy