Employer’s Day at Technical College of ASU

Employer’s Day at Technical College of ASU

On April 24, 2014, the Employer’s Day has been held in the assembly hall of the Technical College of Astrakhan State University; about 20 reps of Astrakhan Region’s major companies and over 100 undergraduate students have taken part in it.

The event has been opened by Mr. Evgeniy Shevelyov, Director of the Technical College. Playing the role of hospitable guests, our students welcomed their future employers with a holiday concert. There was a humoristic scene “Patent Bureau”, a Nogai folk dance, and a Russian folk song performed by our young talented actors, dancers, and a singer.

The concert was followed with a round-table talk that put crucial issues under consideration: what the labor market could offer young employees now and what requirements must any college graduate meet.

The specialties, which our Technical College teaches in 2014, are of special demand in Astrakhan Region’s agricultural sector. Present-day official programs to support villages provide graduates with good opportunities to make their career plans come true. Reps of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture have told our graduates a lot about such opportunities. This theme was continued by officials of regional veterinarian authorities.

Graduates of ASU’s Technical College are also of high demand at industrial enterprises, as well as in the social sphere. A number of managers from various regional well-known companies - Pilot, ASK, Duna-AST, Kredit-Express - have given a lot of useful information on that in their reports.

The Astrakhan City Employment Center has played an active role in arrangement of the Employer’s Day. Its reps have told our graduates about the regional program of practical trainings for them; the program will help them adapt to the labor market and do well at their first jobs.

As for our students, they have demonstrated their presentations that reflect their achievements in their studies.

The Vacancy Fair has been the final event of the Employer’s Day: reps of Astrakhan’s companies have offered our graduates about 100 vacancies.

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Career Planning of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy