Astrakhan’s Secondary School Students Participate in Brain Ring

Astrakhan’s Secondary School Students Participate in Brain Ring

In late April 2014, the regional contest “Intellectual Marathon” for students of Astrakhan’s secondary schools has taken place at Astrakhan State University.

Teams of eight schools have taken part in the event. The contest has included two parts - blocks in humanitarian and natural disciplines. As 2014 is a remarkable year for Russia (the 200th anniversary of Mikhail Lermontov; the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko; the 215th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin; the 80th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin) and as this year was declared as the Year of Culture in Russia, the tasks for the participants have been related to these very events.

Besides faculty staff members of our University, teachers of a number of secondary schools have been jurors.

The contest has been won by the team from the School of Gifted Children; it has surpassed other teams considerably. Prizes have been gained by teams of three other schools.

The winners and the prize gainers have been awarded with diplomas of different degrees. Besides, they were given colorful encyclopedias, dictionaries, and valuable books. All the participants have been given certificates and books. Teachers who trained the teams have been granted letters of thanks.

This event arranged by ASU’s Department of Preliminary Education has become remarkable for all its participants, and the schoolchildren wished it became a good tradition.

Russian original information source: the Department of Preliminary Education of ASU
Russian original photo source: O. Ivannikova (the Department of Philology & Journalism of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy