Student of ASU Tells about His Great Countryman at Scientific Conference

Student of ASU Tells about His Great Countryman at Scientific Conference

Nekkadam Saidov, a student of ASU’s Department of World Economy & Management, has given a report concerning the life of Magtymguly Pyragy and his artistic works an international students’ scientific conference dedicated to the 290th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet.

Nekkadam has told about the great poet’s biography milestones, about his works of art, and about his educational activities. The Conference has been held on April 28 at Astrakhan State Technical University. Mr. Mekan Ishangulyev, Consul of Turkmenistan to Astrakhan, has been a distinguished guest of the event. The Conference has united many researchers interested in the Turkmen literature.


Besides students of Astrakhan State University, professors and students from Astrakhan State Medical Academy, the Caspian Institute of Sea & River Transport, and Astrakhan State Technical University have participated in the Conference. They have emphasized the poet’s great contribution into the culture and literature of the Turkmen people. At the end of the Conference, the Turkmen Consul has granted diplomas to the speakers.

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)