Introduction of CDIO Technologies in Progress

Introduction of CDIO Technologies in Progress

Introduction of CDIO technologies is currently in progress at Astrakhan State University. On May 30, realization of projects at three Departments was completed at once: at the Historical Department, at the Department of Business & Economy, and at the Department of Psychology.

A number of students’ teams supervised by Prof. Sergey Khrapov have been tackling such issues as “Role of Historical Context in Formation of Philosophical & Logical Ideas”, “Issues of Public Administration in Modern Foreign Countries: Logical Analysis”, “Problems of Logic Shortage in Modern Society: Views of Future Psychologists”. Their activities were a part of the general discipline “Logics” that Prof. Khrapov delivered them. The students have been collecting and analyzing information related to various aspects; they were to make up electronic presentations.

Outcomes of the students’ activities have been presented as a public defense and a team assessment by means of a CDIO questionnaire. According to the participants, such work not only makes their studies more interesting, but also forms the team spirit and lets them feel real professionals.


Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)