ASU’s Department of World Economy & Management Enhances Its Students’ Financial Literacy

ASU’s Department of World Economy & Management Enhances Its Students’ Financial Literacy

The Department of World Economy & Management of Astrakhan State University has arranged a series of events dedicated to the Day of Financer. Students of eight Departments of ASU have taken part in them, in particular – in an educational seminar, in a business game, and in an ecological brain ring.

Specialists from the Astrakhan Regional Branch of the Southern Main Directorate of the Russian Central Bank have told our students about security precautions when using a plastic card. Reps of the Sberbank gave a Business Start master class; they told about opportunities that a good knowledge of financial tools provides. Besides a lot of new information, our students were strongly motivated to create their own business projects.

After the lecture part, the participants could take part in the business game “Easy Making of Crucial Decisions” that was given by Mr. Alexander Kuzovlev, Chief of the Training Unit of the 5-25 Center of Information & Legal Services. Besides students of the Department of World Economy & Management, undergraduates of the Department of Physics & Technology have also participated in the game (they are studying the discipline “Economy” now).

Another event was the 2nd Contest “Dynamic Financer”; its participants were to handle hands-on and theoretical tasks by means of the GARANT Legislation Database. They had to answer questions related to registration of a legal entity, to accountancy, and to other aspects of financers’ professional activities. Those of them who gave the best answers will receive invitations to a national online seminar in economy; the seminar will be delivered by a federal expert. Yet, that will be only after summarizing the outcomes of the contest, which is going to be at this weekend.

It is the third time that the Department of World Economy & Management takes part in the events dedicated to the Day of Financer. As expects and students themselves remark, all the events are held at a high level and they all are indeed of practical character.

Russian original information and photo source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)