2015 Admission Campaign Activated

2015 Admission Campaign Activated

  Performance of our profession-orienting activities at Astrakhan Region’s general educational and secondary professional education institutions is launched far before the end of an academic year. Staff of Astrakhan State University has already begun to promote the upcoming admission campaign. Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of ASU, has told us about its first outcomes.

Ë.Â. Òîâàðíè÷åíêîOwing to an early publication of the main documents that regulate university admission, it was already in October that reps of our University could meet potential students and their parents to discuss the most recent changes in admission rules, in entrance examinations, in the number of budget-financed positions, etc. In early November, when high school students have their autumn vacations, a Day of Open Doors has been held at ASU; the event included two shifts, as there were over 500 young people who wished to know more about our University. They came from not only Astrakhan City, but also from a number of Astrakhan Region’s remote areas. “High school students and their parents listened to our Rector’s welcoming speech very attentively. The Rector has told them about our most important achievements. As for my speech, I told them about recent changes that concern admission of new students in 2015. In particular, I explained to them how to gain extra scores (not more than 20 points), besides their scores at the Unified State Examination, for their individual achievements (intellectual, creative, or sporting) and for their essays written at the end of their high school studies”.

High school students and their parents were quite active in the discussion that followed the speeches by the University executives: they were interested to know if cum laude certificates of secondary education will be of special credit, if the minimal acceptable scores in this or that discipline have become higher, if there is a sufficient number of budget-financed positions at this or that specialty, etc.

The Day of Open Doors has made it possible for not just future students, but also for staff of the Admission Commission to obtain valuable information, as they arranged a questionnaire survey among the young people. “After we process the questionnaires, we can make up at least a preliminary database of our potential students to reveal the following: students of which high schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, and colleges are interested in entering ASU, and which of our specialties are of top demand. Those future students who gave us their contact information will get invitations to all the Days of Open Doors and to other events that concern the 2015 Admission Campaign”, Dr. Tovarnichenko comments.

We look forward to seeing our future students at the next Day of Open Doors in January 2015.

Interviewed by T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)