Studying Chemistry in France

Studying Chemistry in France

Tatiana Vladimirova, a 3rd-year-student of the Chemical Department of Astrakhan State University, has completed a language training program in Brest (France).

Tatiana’s training in France has become possible thanks to her successful passing the selection process arranged by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research of the French Republic.

According to Tatiana, her training program included studies of the French grammar, features of the French scientific speech style, and cultural traditions of the French people. Some classes were taught as a game, which contributed to an easier coverage of the program. Upon the completion of her training, Tatiana has given a presentation of her alma mater and her specialization in French.

There was also a smart cultural program for trainees: Brest sightseeing, picnics at the Atlantic coast, etc.

When she graduates from ASU, Tatiana is planning to continue her education by joining the master program “Green Chemistry” at Artois University (Arras, France), with which our University has signed agreements to perform regular educational activities on a joint basis.

Russian original information source: the Chemical Department of ASU

Russian original photo source: Tatiana Vladimirova

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)