Our Future Power Engineers Celebrate Their Professional Holiday

Our Future Power Engineers Celebrate Their Professional Holiday

Students specializing in Power Engineering at Astrakhan State University have been at a holiday event arranged in honor of the Power Engineer’s Day, which is celebrated in Russia on December 22 every year.

There have been many words of thanks and gratitude addressed to power engineers for their contribution to Russia’s economic development, for their support of the population’s comfortable everyday life.

Our students have given presentations about their everyday and holiday activities, as well as concert numbers. The future power engineers have told their audience what important diploma projects they are carrying out for their employers.

The holiday was warm-hearted and sincere. Our students feel that they are members of the power engineering community and that their profession is crucial, as it is power engineers who provide heat and energy supply for all the people of our country. Let us congratulate them on their professional holiday!

Russian original information source: L.Kh. Zaynutdinova (the Chair of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, & Automatics of ASU)

Russian original photo source: I.V. Vorontsov (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)