Mass Physical Jerks by Astrakhan’s Students

Mass Physical Jerks by Astrakhan’s Students

Students of Astrakhan State University have taken part in the flashmob “Fashion 2 Be Healthy” dedicated to the World Health Day.

This event was arranged by Astrakhan Region’s Agency for Youth Affairs. The School of Sports, Physical Development & Healthy Lifestyle and the Chair of Physical Training of Astrakhan State University assisted in the event arrangement.

Mr. Rustam Gaynullin, Chief of the Regional Agency for Youth Affairs, and Ms. Svetlana Olkhovskaya, Regional Deputy Minister of Healthcare, gave welcoming speeches for the participants.

About 500 students (including about 100 people from ASU) took part in the flashmob accompanied by music. They did their exercises in the park near ASU.

Such events contribute to promotion of healthy lifestyle among Astrakhan’s young people.

Russian original information source: the School of Sports, Physical Development & Healthy Lifestyle

Russian original photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)