Trainees of Presidential Program Defend Their Capstones Successfully

Trainees of Presidential Program Defend Their Capstones Successfully

On July 14, 2016, trainees of the Presidential Program at Astrakhan State University defended their final projects successfully.

The capstones concerned one of the three specializations that make up our Presidential Program: “Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Competitive Advantages of Companies & Areas”; “Efficient Management in Healthcare: Training of Result-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System”; “Creation of Competitive Educational Areal Environment: Development Strategy for Innovative Educational Systems & Institutions”.

The range of trainees included different people: managers of this or that level, directors and owners of enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, etc. Hence, the themes of their final projects spanned the entire range of acute development issues that various companies and organizations have to face.

The trainees presented their projects to the Certification Commissions; they answered numerous questions asked by members of those Commissions and got valuable recommendations to enhance and apply their developments in their further professional activities. All the projects got excellent and good marks.

Let us congratulate our trainees on successful defense of their capstones and wish them to implement their findings successfully!

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)