Happy 25th Anniversary, Our Znamensk Branch!

Happy 25th Anniversary, Our Znamensk Branch!

The Branch of Astrakhan State University located in the town of Znamensk (Astrakhan Region) is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Mr. Roman Kozyrkov, Director of the Znamensk Branch, congratulates his colleagues:

“My dear Colleagues and Friends,

Our educational system is changing rapidly over the last years, and changing with it means meeting the requirements of time. No doubt, our parent University – Astrakhan State University headed by Rector Professor Alexander Lunev – is an advanced higher educational institution not just in the Lower Volga River Region in particular, but in the whole Russian Federation in general. It is uneasy for our Branch to meet such a high standard. But we do our best, and we succeed in doing that. The main proof is the accreditation for the most modern federal state standards of the third generation that we have passed successfully.

С 25-летием, Филиал АГУ в г. Знаменске!

I believe our main achievement in our educational activities is meeting employers’ requirements, thanks to what our graduates’ employment rate is high. Our graduates qualified in teaching work at schools of our town, region, country, and even abroad; our qualified psychologists work in educational and army institutions; our engineers work at military facilities and enterprises. Over 90 % of our graduates are employed.

Nowadays our Branch is a modern educational institution, which undertakes both research and educational activities. We regularly arrange scientific events – roundtables, seminars, and conferences. It helps us form a unique research potential.

С 25-летием, Филиал АГУ в г. Знаменске!

We’d never manage to achieve all that without our highly qualified faculty staff. I’d especially mention Professor Vladimir Lobeyko (Honored Scientist & Technologist of Russia, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Military Science, D.Sc. in Technology); Professor Tatyana Vorontsova (Honored Teacher of Russia, D.Sc. in Pedagogics); Dr. Vyacheslav Mitrakhovich (D.Sc. in Pedagogics, who graduated from our Branch); Professor Sergey Fomenkov (D.Sc. in Technology).  This year new professors joined our team: Professor Oleg Eliseev (D.Sc. in Philosophy, author of numerous popular scientific works and techniques in Corporate Psychology) and Professor Alexey Yakovlev (D.Sc. in Technology, who specializes in programming).

I can’t imagine our life and activities without our members of faculty and administrative staff, who work at our Chairs, Academic Unit, Library, and Administrative Unit. All we have now is thanks to our joint work.

Thanks you so much, my dear Colleagues! My congratulations on the 25th Anniversary of our Znamensk Branch!”

С 25-летием, Филиал АГУ в г. Знаменске!

Russian original information and photo source: the R.V. Kozyrkov (the Znamensk Branch of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)