Our Institute of Continuing Education Interacts with Union Leaders: Equal Teaches Equal

Our Institute of Continuing Education Interacts with Union Leaders: Equal Teaches Equal

The training session of the professional retraining program “Social Partnership as Tool to Develop Trade Union Institutions under Current Conditions” has been over at the Institute of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University. The program was developed to meet the order placed by the Pedagogues’ Astrakhan Regional Trade Union Organization. 30 union leaders signed up for it.

The block “Information Activities of Youth Councils in Social Networks & Internet” was of special value in the retraining program for union leaders of educational institutions and youth organizations.

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The following members of our faculty staff acted as tutors and coaches: Dr. Svetlana Shafigulina (PhD in Law, an Associate Professor of the Chair of State Legal Disciplines); Ms. Anna Dakhina (an Assistant of the same Chair); Dr. Olga Korablina (PhD in Law, an Associate Professor of the Chair of Civil Law); Dr. Galina Gorlova (PhD in Philology, an Associate Professor of the Chair of General Linguistics & Speech Studies); Dr. Lyudmila Batashova (PhD in Philology, an Associate Professor of the same Chair); Dr. Svetlana Taysaeva (PhD in Pedagogics, an Associate Professor of the Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology); Dr. Dina Kripakova (PhD in Law, Head of the Chair of Procedural Law); Dr. Tatyana Gavrilkina (PhD in Philology, Editor-in-Chief of the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU); Ms. Karina Ekshembeeva (a Key Specialist of the same Directorate).

According to the tutors, the trainees are highly interested in their training; they strive to learn something new, develop and enhance their skills, and improve their professional competencies. The tutors themselves had much to learn: the training actually became master classes of people with rich and profound experience in the field of trade unions’ activities and social partnership.

Upon their completion of the program, the trainees obtained certificates of retraining of official standard.

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Continuing Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)