Our Project “We Are Together” Wins Festival in Moscow

Our Project “We Are Together” Wins Festival in Moscow

On Dec. 14-16, 2016, the 2nd Ostankino International Youth Festival of Cinema and Television took place at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting “Ostankino”.

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The range of the event participants included finalists from Astana, Irkutsk, Ekaterinburg, Syktyvkar, Lugansk, Krasnodar, Belgorod, etc. As for Astrakhan, two teams – 3rd-year-students of the Department of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University and staff of the Young Astrakhan Television of ASU – represented it.

During the first two days, exclusive master classes with Ms. Maria Shtein (a well-known TV presenter), Mr. Alexander Bogun (a film director), Mr. David Shneyderov (a journalist and a TV and radio presenter), and Ms. Evdokia Germanova (an Honored Actress of Russia) were available for the event participants.

On Dec. 16, the official awards ceremony took place at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. “I’m glad that so many talented works from various regions of Russia have been represented here. Dare to create, don’t lose your individuality and enthusiasm”, Mr. Vladimir Khotinenko, the jury chairman, shared his impressions.

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The Festival jurors granted the prizes and the awards. Ms. Elena Letuchaya, a popular TV presenter, congratulated the students of our University on their gaining the 3rd place in the category “Students” (the nomination “Best TV Internet Project”) for their program “Star Up”. Our people make it at workshops in TV Programs Release. Mr. David Shneyderov granted the 2nd-degree diploma in the category “Professionals” (the nomination “Best Youth TV Project” to our Young Astrakhan Television for their work “We Are Together”. This project was being developed throughout several months; many students, professors, and administrative staff members of Astrakhan State University took part in it.

This is a victory that we all have gained!

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Our congratulations to the award winners!

Russian original information source: E.V. Fedyulina (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Russian original photo source: the TV Media Center of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)