2016 Sports Outcomes

2016 Sports Outcomes

2016 has become a memorable year for Astrakhan State University, as a whole number of sports events has taken place.

Students’ sports activities are an essential aspect of university education, one of the most efficient means to develop one’s character and personal qualities, promote the fair game principles, and form an active life position.

Over the past year, sports have become much more popular among our students. Let us remember the most memorable events related to sports and physical training.

Спортивные итоги уходящего года

In May, we held the 1st International Forum for Development of Students’ Exchange Programs in Sports. The Forum aimed to develop international and interregional cooperation between students living in the five Caspian littoral countries. Besides Russian participants, delegates from Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan took part in the event.

The main sports event at ASU – the Festival of Sports Socialization Projects – has advanced to a new level this year: 32 teams of 17 Departments of our University competed in the Zvezdny Sports Facility, which was of real interest for their fans.

Our teams in the main sports took part in regional and national competitions. Special thanks to our team in track and field athletics, which has been revitalized this year at ASU and which has won Astrakhan’s city competition.

Special attention was paid to team sports. Our male and female mini football teams have achieved remarkable progress at a number of competitions. Our basketball teams have also shown worthy results by winning prizes many times.

Staff of our School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle of ASU congratulates everyone on the upcoming New Year and wishes you robust health and new victories in whatever you conceive!

Спортивные итоги уходящего года

Russian original information and photo source: the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)