Project-Oriented Conference for School Students

Project-Oriented Conference for School Students

The Applied Scientific Conference ‘Traveling to World of Projects” took place at the Institute of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University.

The event was arranged by the Chair of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education of the Department of Extra Professional Education of ASU. Students of a number of Astrakhan’s schools and their teachers took part in the Conference. The event agenda included such sections as “The Surrounding World”, “Chemistry in Our Life”, “Russian Language & Literature”, “Physics & Mathematics”, “Miraculous World of Music”.

Prof. Galina Fayzieva, Director of the Institute of Continuing Education of ASU, gave a speech at the opening ceremony; she wished the young participants good luck and highly appreciated their profound interest in science that they showed at such an early age.

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The Conference indeed became a remarkable event for its young participants and their teachers. Numerous projects were presented: the young people learned how to make yogurt at home, who lives in Astrakhan Nature Reserve, why people call Britain the Land of Queens, etc. They discussed the presented reports actively and even gave their recommendations to the speakers.

All the participants received certificates, and their reports were published as a single book.

Giving her speech at the end of the Conference, Dr. Irina Romanovskaya, Head of the Chair of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education, remarked that the first steps to science are taken at school, while our University shall help realize even the most daring projects in the future.

Russian original information and photo source: the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)