Seminar Concerning Extremism at ASU

Seminar Concerning Extremism at ASU

The seminar “Religious Extremism Today” took place on March 24, 2017 at the Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences of Astrakhan State University.

The theme of the set issues was of special interest for both our students and their professors, as it concerns prevention of radicalization of various categories of population (first of all, young people) to eliminate their participation in terroristic activities.

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Students covering bachelor programs at our Chemical and Biological Departments took part in the event. The students demonstrated their presentations to explain the essence of terrorism and its extreme social danger. The themes of their reports were as follows: Essence & Types of Religious Extremism (by. E. Sultanova and L. Skibo), Crusades & Crusaders (by A. Amelina), Prevention of Religious Extremism (by A. Petraschuk and V. Tryukov), Religious Extremism (by N. Scherbakova), Nationalism (by A. Iliyasov), and ISIS (prohibited in the Russian Federation) – Terroristic Organization (by S. Vlasenkov). All the participants took part in the discussion of the set issues.

The participants of the seminar agreed that it is necessary to prepare educational materials that reveal the criminal nature of the terroristic ideology, as well as to publish information of antiterrorist character on the official web portal of ASU, including video materials.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Chemical Department of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)