Students of Our Chemical Department Present Their Reports at Conference of Young Researchers

Students of Our Chemical Department Present Their Reports at Conference of Young Researchers

The 7th Open Scientific Technical Conference of Young Researchers & Young Specialists “Knowledge. Experience. Innovations” has been held in Astrakhan. Students of our University took part in it.

The event united staff of oil-and-gas companies and students of Russia’s top universities. As for our University, three students specializing in Petrochemistry represented it. They gave their reports in the sections “Ecology & Nature Management” and “Well Stock Performance Enhancement”. Here are their names:

  • K. Tikhonova “Development of Catalytic System to Purify Air from Carbon Oxide” (with Dr. Lyudmila Dzhigola, Head of ASU’s Chair of Analytical & Physical Chemistry, as her research supervisor);
  • K. Kargina and G. Musagalieva “Modeling of Oil-Slime Lateral & Vertical Diffusion in Soil” (with the same research supervisor);
  • R. Edigartev “Research of Impact of Sulfonic Acids upon Water-Oil Emulsion” (with Dr. Yulia Ocheredko from ASU’s Chair of Analytical & Physical Chemistry as his research supervisor).

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The participants of the Conference went on an excursion: they visited the museum of the Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC (Astrakhan Region’s main gas-recovering enterprise) and the Astrakhan Gas Condensate Field. Each participant received a diploma.

Russian original information and photo source: the Chemical Department of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)