Team of ASU Participates in EMERCOM Competition “Human Factor”

Team of ASU Participates in EMERCOM Competition “Human Factor”

On March 31, 2017, the official awards ceremony for participants of the National Competition “Human Factor” took place at the Astrakhan Region Directorate of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations.

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Among the awardees, there were students of the Department of Psychology of Astrakhan State University, who were its worthy reps at the regional stage of the competition by taking the 3rd place. According to the competition regulations, only teams that took the 1st or the 2nd place are admitted to take part in the national stage; yet, the event organizers saw our girls’ good level of proficiency and invited them to participate in the national stage as trainees.

The event participants had to exercise in typical situations that require emergency psychological and first aid. It required a substantial theoretical preparation: one had to know rules of conduct in this or that situation, be able to act skillfully, distinctly, without fuss or unnecessary emotions. Psychological skills were essential: acting as injured people in the state of apathy or hysteria, it was necessary to apply techniques that save one’s state of mind, as well as comply with the rules of psychic hygiene.

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Our team coped well with the set task. Our students’ keeping in touch with staff of the Center of Emergency Psychological Aid in Rostov-on-Don, learning about special equipment and technologies motivated them well to enhance their professional skills.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Psychology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)