Experts Discuss Caspian Littoral Region’s Development Alternatives

Experts Discuss Caspian Littoral Region’s Development Alternatives

An international meeting of experts from the five countries washed by the Caspian Sea has taken place at Saratov State University. Reps of the Caspian Expert Club took part in the discussion, too.

Three specialists represented the expert community of the Caspian littoral countries: Dr. Andrey Syzranov (Chief of the Center of Eurasian Political Research operating at Astrakhan State University), Dr. Kseniya Tyurenkova from the Chair of International Law of ASU, and Mr. Alexander Vassilyev, Editor-in-Chief of the Astrakhan 24 TV Channel and a political observer.

The main reason for holding this event was the analytical report “Caspian Region – 2025: International Legal Status, Economy, and Security (Alternatives & Forecasts)” prepared jointly by staff of Russia’s leading expert centers. Reps of the Eurasia – Volga River Region Information Analytical Center in Saratov presented it. According to the speakers, a huge area at the Caspian Sea is a zone of a serious confrontation between energy-related strategies of the littoral countries; thus, elaboration of topical alternatives of Caspian Region’s development should be handled jointly.

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Dr. Syzranov, who coordinates the Caspian Expert Club, pointed out that preparation and presentation of analytical reports concerning the current situation and prospects of Caspian Region’s development is a task going far beyond researchers’ interest; it is of real practical value. The presented report also concerned stages of the negotiating process to determine the international legal status of the Caspian Sea, economic and other factors contributing to regional energy-related policy, considering with national interests of the Caspian littoral countries and outside “players”. Special attention was paid to regional security.

In her turn, Dr. Tyurenkova concerned the issue of the Caspian Sea’s legal status.

Mr. Vassilyev’s speech related to interaction between the Caspian littoral countries in the sphere of ecology.

The participants of the roundtable came to a unanimous conclusion that it is necessary to speed up all-round agreements concerning division of the Caspian Sea to prevent any further conflicts.

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Eurasian Political Research of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)