Researchers of ASU Patent PC Program to Prepare for International Negotiations

Researchers of ASU Patent PC Program to Prepare for International Negotiations

A team of young researchers of Astrakhan State University has obtained a certificate confirming their legal registration of a PC program helping to get prepared for international negotiations.

The PC program “National Features of Russian Federation’s Strategic Partners in Negotiations” was developed by Victoria Bazhan and Elena Petrova from our Department of Psychology (they developed its contents) and by Marine Zakharyan from our Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies (she handled the technical aspects of the program development). The three young researchers were supervised by Dr. Larisa Timasheva from our Chair of Conflict Studies & Organizational Psychology and by Mr. Oleg Evdoshenko from our Chair of Information Technologies.

The developed program is a system of structured information related to psychological features of national styles of behavior during negotiations; it describes specific behavior of reps of 28 countries. The program also provides the main notions of the negotiating process and classifies features of Oriental and Occidental cultures. Besides, its authors developed cultural assimilators and case studies to test the knowledge obtained. The program will be of special interest for students specializing in conflict studies, in international relations, and in Political Science, as well as for qualified specialists in the field of international relations, mediating, and negotiating, who could apply it as a training simulator. People interested in Ethnic Psychology or in business talks can use it as well.

The program was being developed during five months; it was patented then at the Rospatent. The research team is going to enhance it: they will extend the range of national styles of negotiating, improve the program interface, etc.

АГУ запатентовал программу для ЭВМ по подготовке к международным переговорам

Russian original information source: the Department of Psychology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)