Team of ASU Wins Bronze in Mini Football Competition

Team of ASU Wins Bronze in Mini Football Competition

In early April 2017, Astrakhan hosted the National Mini Football Competition for University Teams as a part of the project “Mini Football for Universities” that is implemented in Southern Russia.

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It was the first time that our University was represented with a female team in this competition. Our team included A. Dolotkazina (the Department of World Economy & Management), Yu. Senchikhina (the Department of Business & Economy), A. Popova (the Department of Business & Economy), S. Makamu (the Department of Geology & Geography), M. Zhuravleva (the Historical Department), V. Sokolova (the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, and Physical Training), A. Gaynullina (the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, and Physical Training), A. Mikhaylova (the Department of Geology & Geography).

As a result of a round-robin, the team of ASU reached the semifinal to compete with students of Kuban State University (Krasnodar); unfortunately, it lost with scores 2:4. Then our team had to fight to gain bronze with the team of Southern Federal University and won 7:0.

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Our Congratulations!

Russian original information source: the School of Sports, Physical Development, & Healthy Lifestyle of ASU

Russian original photo source: D. Grinevich (the TV Media Center of ASU), A. Khardini (the Department of Geology & Geography)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)