Professors of Artois University Visit ASU

Professors of Artois University Visit ASU

In late April 2017, two distinguished guests from Artois University (Arras, France) – Dr. Yannis Karamanos (specializing in Biochemistry) and Dr. Sebastien Tilloy (specializing in Organometallic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, and Catalysis) – were on a visit to Astrakhan State University.

The purpose of their visit was to give a course of lectures in particular issues of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, participate in the 11th International Applied Scientific Conference “Fundamental & Applied Issues of Obtainment of New Materials: Researches, Innovations, and Technologies”, present Artois University to our students, and develop joint activities in education and research. According to our French guests, our undergraduate students specializing in Chemistry and Biology gave worthy presentations of their researches in French.

Визит профессоров Университета Артуа в АГУ

Russian original information and photo source: the Chemical Department of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)