Lecture Cycle in Geoecology Completed at ASU

Lecture Cycle in Geoecology Completed at ASU

The cycle of lectures “Astrakhan Region: Modern Aspects of Geological Knowledge & Safety Issues” has been over at the Department of Geology & Geography of Astrakhan State University.

The event was aimed at high school teachers of geographical, biological, and ecological disciplines. Its main goals were to enhance its participants’ professional competences, improve their teaching skills, encourage their creative and intellectual initiative, and help them arrange their students’ research activities.

The lecture cycle started in November 2016. Active and interactive methods of teaching were applied to deliver the material related to the following themes:

  • Students’ Project-Based Activities in Geography & Safe Vital Activities (delivered by Dr. Tatyana Dymova);
  • Astrakhan Region’s Climate Features as a Natural Resource & Risk of Meteorological Emergencies (delivered by Dr. Evgeny Kolchin);
  • Geological Features of Fossils in Astrakhan Region (delivered by Dr. Inna Bystrova);
  • Geoecological Features of Astrakhan Region’s Water Resources. Water as a Source of Danger (delivered by Dr. Galina Kryzhanovskaya);
  • Landscape Features of Astrakhan Region (delivered by Dr. Valeriy Zanozin);
  • Soil Cover of Urbanized Systems in Astrakhan City (delivered by Dr. Alexander Sintsov).

Following an old tradition, Prof. Alexander Barmin, Dean of the Department of Geology & Geography of ASU, chaired the last meeting with the event participants. He informed them of recent changes in the system of higher geographical education, new regulations of student admission to specialties and specializations available at ASU, and the projects that the Department carries out and that might be interesting for high school students.

The outcomes of the questionnaire poll run at the final lecture have revealed that the suggested themes are of real relevance and hands-on value, as they were presented in a logical and interesting way by providing a lot of facts, useful information, and background related to Astrakhan Region.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Geology & Geography of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)