Meeting of School of Interethnic Journalism

Meeting of School of Interethnic Journalism

On May 29, 2017, a meeting of trainees of the School of Interethnic Journalism with Dr. Andrey Syzranov, Chief of the Center of Eurasian Political Research of Astrakhan State University, and Mr. Vladislav Vinogradov, Chief of the Internal Policy Directorate of the Astrakhan Region Governor Administration, took place.

The two experts and young journalists discussed the current ethnic and confessional situation in Astrakhan Region. The participants of the meeting agreed that the issue of ethnic identity and religion is delicate and sensitive; it is necessary to be as correct and tactful as possible when discussing and covering it in the media. One should also be well aware of the ethnic and religious specific features when publishing any material.

The School of Interethnic Journalism operates as a regional office of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism. According to its organizers, training of young specialists and development of a single site to collect and cover ethnic events is what that our Region really needs.

Заседание Школы межэтнической журналистики

Russian original information and photo source: the Eurasian Political Research of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)