Trainees of Presidential Program Defend Their Final Projects

Trainees of Presidential Program Defend Their Final Projects

On July 03, 2017, the defense of the final projects by the 2016-2017 trainees of the Presidential Program took place at Astrakhan State University.

The trainees were to cover one of the two programs: the project-oriented program “Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Comparative Advantages of Companies & Areas” or the professional retraining program for healthcare managers “Efficient Management in Healthcare: Training of Result-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System”.

В АГУ прошла защита итоговых проектов слушателей Президентской программы

The range of our graduates is wide: there are top managers and directors of enterprises related to the real sector of economy, individual entrepreneurs, hospital top management, chiefs of hospital departments, etc. According to Mr. Kanat Shantimirov, Head of Administration of Governor of Astrakhan Region, who chaired the State Certification Commission that examined our trainees’ final projects, those projects are definitely topical; they relate to various areas and aim to provide a sustainable social and economic development of Astrakhan Region, so the Commission recommended that they were implemented in practice.

Let us congratulate our 2016-2017 trainees on their successful defense of their final projects and wish them all success and good luck in their further professional activities.

В АГУ прошла защита итоговых проектов слушателей Президентской программы

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Qualified Management Training Administration Programs of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)