Webometrics: Portal ASU.EDU.RU Becomes a Top 100 Russian University Web Resource

Webometrics: Portal ASU.EDU.RU Becomes a Top 100 Russian University Web Resource

The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities over the first six months of 2017 has been published.

In the Russian segment of the Webometrics Ranking, Astrakhan State University has taken the 98th position of 1, 223. In the world ranking, it occupies the 4, 923rd position of 11, 992. The official web portal of our University has outstripped web sites of all the other higher educational institutions located in Astrakhan.

Портал вошёл в топ-100 веб-ресурсов вузов России в рейтинге Webometrics

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)