Joint Educational Project by Clark University & Astrakhan State University: Preparing to Admit New Students

Joint Educational Project by Clark University & Astrakhan State University: Preparing to Admit New Students

The Center of International Projects & Educational Programs of Astrakhan State University is currently admitting students to cover master programs offered by Clark University (Massachusetts, USA).

Совместный образовательный проект АГУ и Университета Кларка (США): готовимся к новому набору

Over 200 people successfully completed their studies over the 10 years that this joint Russian-American project has been available for everyone. Many graduates work with prestigious international and Russian companies all over the world. Now students from various cities of Russia (Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, etc.), as well as from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Ghana are covering our joint master programs, so they can practice international communication since the very beginning of their studies.

Our prospective students are offered two master programs; one of them is to train future masters in the field of ICT. Another program aims to train them in professional communications – in particular, in one of the three areas: digital media technologies, leadership in communication, and strategic communications.

The duration of studies is five terms, each of which lasts 14 weeks. Classes are delivered mostly in English, in the evening (which is convenient for working people), 3 to 4 times a week. The instructors are US and Russian business coaches and professors applying the hands-on approach. A student may also go the United States to complete their program either for two terms (January – August or July – December), or for one brief (42 days) summer term (July – August).

Совместный образовательный проект АГУ и Университета Кларка (США): готовимся к новому набору

Once a student completed their studies successfully, they obtain a master diploma issued by Clark University and a professional retraining diploma issued by Astrakhan State University; after that, they may continue their education by joining PhD programs at the world’s top universities.

This project has a number of advantages. For some students, it is essential to obtain an American diploma and get in touch with foreign and Russian professionals. For others, a flexible timetable, module-based studies, and the practice-oriented approach are of top value. Some people are attracted by a real opportunity to get education right in the USA, cover a practical training program at an American company, and then find a job at one of the world’s most prestigious companies. Obtainment of an international diploma in the form that Clark University and Astrakhan State University offer is a fine combination of convenience and a worthy result.

New students are enrolled twice a year: in January and in September. Now everyone is welcome to come to Room 116 of the Main Building of ASU (20a Tatischev Str., Astrakhan) to get a detailed consultation and additional information about our master programs.

Совместный образовательный проект АГУ и Университета Кларка (США): готовимся к новому набору

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of International Projects & Educational Programs of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)