Trials in Basketball, Mini Football, and Volleyball

Trials in Basketball, Mini Football, and Volleyball

Trails in basketball, mini football, and volleyball among our first-year-students have taken place at Astrakhan State University.

A large number of students took part in the games. Besides people of ASU, their audience included people of other universities and secondary schools of our city. The athletes who passed the trials will play as members of our university team at various competitions. The young people are becoming true team members, meeting their more experienced peers, and taking part in training.

В АГУ состоялись отборочные игры по баскетболу, мини-футболу и волейболу

Russian original information and photo source: the Biological Department of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)