Discussion of New Educational Technologies at EdCrunch-2017

Discussion of New Educational Technologies at EdCrunch-2017

The 4th International Conference in New Educational Technologies EdCrunch-2017 has been held in Moscow. Dr. Alexander Koshkarov, Chief of the Laboratory of Bid Data & Digital Technologies of Astrakhan State University, took part in it.

The event was arranged jointly by the MISIS – the National University of Science and Technology (Moscow, Russia) and by the Rybakov Foundation in Moscow. It was dedicated to technologies of individualization and personification in education. Individualization is one of the main trends in education; it involves not just educational institutions, but also large IT companies.

The key speakers were rectors of Russian universities, representatives of foreign universities (the EU, the UK, the USA, and China), specialists of Russian and foreign companies involved in development and implementation of digital technologies into educational activities at various levels (secondary school education, higher education, corporate training, and continuing education).

Дискуссия по вопросам новых образовательных технологий

Special attention was paid to massive online courses and application of bid data and AI technologies to enhance the efficiency of an educational process. According to the event participants, such technologies determine efficiency, attractiveness, and competitiveness of universities of the future.

As for Dr. Koshkarov, he participated actively in discussions related to analysis of aspects of applying digital technologies in educational activities.

Russian original information and photo source: the Laboratory of Bid Data & Digital Technologies of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)