Anniversary of Professor Alexander Glazkov

Anniversary of Professor Alexander Glazkov

The Department of Social Communications of Astrakhan State University is delighted to congratulate Professor Alexander Petrovich Glazkov, Head of our Chair of Philosophy, on his 55th birthday.

Юбилей А. П. Глазкова

Dear Professor Glazkov,

Please receive our wholehearted congratulations on your birthday. We wish you a long life, sound health, a good mood, as well as everlasting faith, hope, and love! May fortune always favor whatever you start doing, and may ideas that dawn upon you always be productive!

We highly appreciate you as a splendid job supervisor, as a smart colleague, and as a talented researcher!

Russian original information and photo source: L.V. Baeva (the Department of Social Communications of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)