Faculty Staff Member of ASU Obtains Nominee Scholarship of Russian Geographical Society

Faculty Staff Member of ASU Obtains Nominee Scholarship of Russian Geographical Society

Mr. Mikhail Valov, an Assistant of the Chair of Ecology, Nature & Land Management, & Safe Vital Activities, has won the recent national competition for nominee scholarships of the Russian Geographical Society.

The 2017 competition was held for the first time; it included two nominations “For Progress in Research & Educational Activities in Geography & Associated Sciences” and “For Progress in Public Activities Meeting Goals & Tasks of Russian Geographical Society”.

Mr. Valov obtained a scholarship in the former nomination. Candidates were assessed depending on the number of their research papers published in the top national scientific journals, their presence and citation indices in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, as well as their Russian citation index rates.

Преподаватель ГГФ получил именную стипендию Русского географического общества

The winners were awarded in the Moscow HQ of the Russian Geographical Society; the ceremony was held as a part of the Moscow Media Club. Such events are held as press breakfasts, where officials of the Society talk with journalists and answer their questions.

Congratulating and thanking the winner, Mr. Sergey Shoygu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and President of the Russian Geographical Society, granted the diploma to Mikhail.

Russian original information source: the Department of Geology & Geography of ASU

Russian original photo source:

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)