Discussing Artistic Works by Velimir Khlebnikov

Discussing Artistic Works by Velimir Khlebnikov

At the Home Museum of Velimir Khlebnikov, the great Russian poet who lived in Astrakhan a century ago, a number of scholars, writers, and artists, who dedicated their books, films, pictures to him, met to discuss his artistic heritage. People of Astrakhan State University took part in it, too.

The range of distinguished guests included Mr. Alexander Zhilkin (Governor of Astrakhan Region), Ms. Vera Khlebnikova-Miturich (a grand-niece of the poet and the well-known Russian artist), Mr. Alexander Pavlovsky (the well-known philologist from Moscow), as well as renowned specialists in the Russian art – Ms. Nicoletta Misler (Italy), Mr. John Ellis Bowlt (the United States), and Mr. Stepan Botiev (Kalmykia, Russia). Representatives of Astrakhan Region’s artistic and literary community and students of the Department of Social Communications of our University came to the meeting as well.

Дискуссия по творчеству Велимира Хлебникова

The event participants discussed issues of studying and presenting Velimir Khlebnikov’s artistic heritage. The young audience, which had watched the first night of the performance “Khlebnikov. Theater” in Astrakhan, highly appreciated the bright and memorable play. Our distinguished guests from Italy and the USA confirmed the fact that works of art by Velimir Khlebnikov are of profound interest outside Russia, which means that studies of his heritage are of great value.

At the end of the event, there was a master class to make the collective product “Trumpet of Eternity”. As a result, a creative modernism collage was developed.

Дискуссия по творчеству Велимира Хлебникова

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)