Mastering Technologies in Logistics

Mastering Technologies in Logistics

A project to teach our students logistic technologies has been launched at the Research & Educational Center of Innovative Transport Technologies of Astrakhan State University.

The program was initiated by the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU. Its goal is to develop the young people’s competencies in the field of logistics and critical thinking, master logistic technologies that are applied in the professional sphere, develop and implement our students’ own projects in logistics.

Обучение логистическим технологиям

The training shall be available for our students to cover throughout the entire academic year. Over 500 students of ASU are expected to take part in it.

The first session was held for students of the Mechanics Section of the Department of Secondary Professional Education of ASU.

Обучение логистическим технологиям

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)