Student Team of Our Youth TV Wins International Competition

Student Team of Our Youth TV Wins International Competition

Students of the Department of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University have given a successful presentation of their joint project at the final stage of the 14th International Student Competition of Communication Projects “Mass Media Prospects”.

The event was hosted by the School of Journalism and Mass Communications of Saint Petersburg State University. 13 teams from Russia and Belarus were to defend their projects.

Internet security and correct conduct on the web are becoming increasingly essential issues nowadays. The theme of the current competition was “Virtual Behavior / Real Consequences”.

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Undergraduate students of ASU involved in the Student Editorial Office of Young Astrakhan Television of our University, presented their media project “Our Children on the Web” (with Ms. Elena Fedyulina as their supervisor). Their project aims to study the children’s conscience manipulation techniques that are applied on YouTube.

The expert commission assessed the presented projects by considering with such parameters as their relevance to the theme of the competition, originality and creativity of ideas presented, and techniques applied. As a result, the team of ASU took the 3rd place.

The organizing committee held the event at the supreme level. The competition participants gained new experience and knowledge; they established friendly contacts with their peers from other regions.

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information and photo source: the Student Editorial Office of Young Astrakhan Television of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)