Ethnographic Excursion for Our Students

Ethnographic Excursion for Our Students

First-year-students of the Department of Physical Training & Sports of Astrakhan State University have visited the exhibition “History & Culture of Peoples of Astrakhan Region” at the Astrakhan Preserve Museum of History & Culture.

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Our students learnt much about traditions and customs of everyday life and living space of numerous people residing in Astrakhan Region – the Kalmyks, the Kazakhs, the Armenians, the Tatars, the Karagash people, the Nogais, etc. They were impressed with what they saw. They had a good time at the exhibition and learnt many interesting and useful things about the past of Astrakhan Region.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Physical Training & Sports of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)