Workshop in Language & Culture of France

Workshop in Language & Culture of France

In middle December 2017, the Department of Foreign Languages of Astrakhan State University held the workshop “Aspects of France’s Language & Culture”. Our Chair of Romanic Philology arranged the event.

The workshop aimed to draw public attention to the French language, as well as to the culture and history of France. The event gathered numerous students of Astrakhan’s higher educational institutions and secondary schools.

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Dr. Elena Kuznetsova, Head of our Chair of Romanic Philology, applied the interactive method to involve the audience in a quiz related to the event theme. As for Dr. Elena Sernova, an Associate Professor of the same Chair, she gave a detailed presentation whose theme was “Survey of History & Culture of France”. Supervised by their experienced mentors, a number of secondary school students gave their reports, which received a positive feedback among the audience.

It is a good old tradition for our Chair of Romanic Philology to cooperate closely with teachers of Astrakhan’s secondary schools to promote the French language in Astrakhan Region.

Russian original information and photo source: the Chair of Romanic Philology of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)