Outcomes of Student Research Socialization Festival Summarized

Outcomes of Student Research Socialization Festival Summarized

The Student Research Socialization Festival has been held at Astrakhan State University.

The event arranged by the Students’ Scientific Council was held for the 3rd time. Students, members of staff, and kids studying at secondary schools visited the event. The exposition included 51 projects developed by over 400 students of all the Departments of our University. The visitors could learn about their biological age, take part in a master class in the Turkmen historic dance, taste the marshmallow cooked according to a new unique recipe, pass thru a sociological quest, etc.

Подведены итоги Фестиваля проектов научной социализации

Panel discussion, which was of profound interest for our students, took place on the 2nd day of the Festival. The discussion concerned issues of the modern mass culture; professors of our Institute of Humanities moderated it. Another theme to discuss was world practices in science and education; it was moderated by our professors with rich experience of training abroad.

The Festival was over with the most astonishing event – a contest of stand-up science. After that, the organizing committee summarized the outcomes of the Festival.

The Festival winners of the audience’s sympathies:

  • 1st-degree diploma – the Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine;
  • 2nd-degree diploma – the Department of Secondary Professional Education;
  • 3rd-degree diploma – the Historical Department.

Подведены итоги Фестиваля проектов научной социализации

Laureates of the Festival:

  • Department of Foreign Languages (project "Integrative Room");
  • Department of World Economy & Management (project "Russian Planet");
  • Department of Secondary Professional Education (project "Development of New Marshmallow Range with Intentionally Changed Chemical Composition");
  • Department of Mathematics & Information Technologies (project "Open-Source Information Search by Applying Competitive Intelligence");
  • Chemical Department (project "Biologically Active Substance");
  • Department of Business & Economy (project "Unemployment as Indicator of Social Economic Wealth of Astrakhan Region");
  • Department of Architecture & Design (project "Solid Modeling");
  • Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine (project "Range of Half-Finished & Cooked Products from African Sharptooth Catfish; Technology of Growing African Sharptooth Catfish in Ponds");
  • Department of Social Communications (project "Sociological Quest; Application of Questionnaire Methods to Moderate Consumers' Activity & Commercialize Projects by Means of Advertising");
  • Department of Philology of Journalism (project "Virtual Linguistic Dictionary of Personalities");
  • Department of Physical Training & Sports (project "Determine Your Age");
  • Law Department (project "Jargon & Nonverbal Communications. Meaning of Tattoos in Criminal World");
  • Biological Department (project "Soil in Modern World");
  • Historical Department (project "History of Turkmenistan in Dance");
  • Department of Pedagogics & Social Work (project "Social & Cultural Stylization of Renaissance-Period Theater Costume");
  • Department of Psychology (project "Table Game "Race" with Tasks to Develop Memory, Logics, and Creativity");
  • Department of Geology & Geography (project "DroneLab": Technologies of Applied Aerophotography");
  • Department of Physics & Technology (project "Milling Machine").

Подведены итоги Фестиваля проектов научной социализации

All the other teams were qualified as nominees.

Laureates of the Stand-Up Science competition:

  • Business Institute of Pedagogics & Psychology;
  • Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences;
  • Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies.

Nominees of the Stand-Up Science competition:

  • Research Institute of Business Models Analysis, Projection & Training;
  • Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks;
  • Institute of Secondary & Additional Professional Education.

Подведены итоги Фестиваля проектов научной социализации

Letters of thanks for organization of the Festival shall be granted to members of the Students' Scientific Council of ASU, whereas certificates of participation shall be given to members of all the project teams of all the Departments, as well as to volunteers.

The winners shall be awarded on Jan. 25, 2018 as part of the Tatiana Day celebration, which is a holiday of all the Russian students.

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information source: S.A. Khrapov (the Students' Scientific Council of ASU)

Russian original photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)