Patenting Our R & D

Patenting Our R & D

Researchers of Astrakhan State University have obtained patents issued by the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent).

Electronic Educational & Methodical Manual "System of Professionally Oriented Assignments in Physics to Develop Skills to Perform Project Construction & Technological Activities (A. G. Valisheva, I. A. Krutova – a computer program legal registration certificate);

Program to Determine Geometric Skeleton of Percolation Cluster (I. I. Gordeev, A. A. Sizova – a computer program legal registration certificate);

DLP System Applying Algorithms of Traffic In-Depth Analysis (Z. A. Nosirov, M. Iu. Zakharian – a computer program legal registration certificate);

Information System for Clients' Data Bookkeeping at Tourism Agency (R. R. Karimov – a computer program legal registration certificate);

LIGHTCOM (A. V. Solovev – a computer program legal registration certificate);

Electronic Application "Curvilinear Integrals" (M. V. Kolomina, A. V. Ibliaminov – a computer program legal registration certificate);

Electronic Illustrated Catalogue of Russian Locative Nouns on YARUS Research & Educational Portal of Russian Language (G. V. Beliakova, T. Iu. Gavrilkina, V. A. Zelepukhina – a database legal registration certificate);

General Knowledge of Planet Earth & Processes of External and Internal Dynamics (A. Z. Karabaeva, I. V. Bystrova, T. S. Smirnova, M. Zh. Netaliev, A. K. Karabaeva – a database legal registration certificate);

Determination of Amino Acid, Vitamin, & Macroelement Structure of Products of Vegetative Origin (N. V. Fedorova, S. B. Nosachev, L. I. Zharkikh – a database legal registration certificate);

Qualitative & Quantitative Determination of Nicotinic Acid within System "2-Aminophenol – Nicotinic Acid – TI(IV)" (D. R. Zainutdinov, A. V. Klementeva, L. I. Zharkikh, I. O. Uranov – a database legal registration certificate).

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information source: the Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities of ASU; the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)